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Hiring Migrants

Hiring a migrant who is outside New Zealand

The New Zealand Government have imposed strict border measures to protect those in New Zealand from COVID-19. This means that employers cannot support a migrant for a work visa without first obtaining a border exception.
How to obtain a border exception?

Obtaining a border exception is a two-stage employer-led process and involves the employer putting forward a compelling case to Immigration New Zealand. The evidential threshold to justify a border exception is extremely high and therefore it is in your best interests that you have strong advocacy and guidance from the start.

U Immigration are experts in border exceptions and can significantly increase your chances of success.

Hiring a migrant who is inside New Zealand

Migrant workers often have conditions tied to their visas – for example:

  • The occupation they may work in
  • The location of employment
  • The employer they may work for
  • The date the visa expires

It is important that employers abide by the conditions specified on a migrant’s visa or risk losing access to migrant labour.

If you are looking to hire a migrant, renew your existing employees’ visas or alter the conditions specified on a migrant’s visa, then U Immigration can assist with the following:

  • Preparing or advising on labour market test requirements
  • Liaising with Ministry of Social Development (MSD) to obtain a Skills Match Report
  • Preparing and representing your migrant employee’s work or residence visa application
  • Preparing and representing applications for a variation of visa conditions
  • Preparing ‘Job Check’ requests on behalf of an Accredited Employer
  • General guidance or advice on a specific issue

Need help? Contact us today to organise a free of charge consultation.

how can we help you?

Phone and video consultations available. To book an appointment, please contact us on one of the below options.